When our customers are searching for gates or gate service, they tend to find out that we are different from most. We pride ourselves on what separates us from these other companies. Many of these companies will not return to provide maintenance, repairs, or warranty support after the initial installation. They may come from out of town to do so, and then unfortunately they expect you to fend for yourself.
Why is this a problem?
Most gate companies do not offer servicing of your gate after it has been installed. If you’ve ever owned a gate, you understand that gates are problematic by nature. They are often hit by vehicles, struck by lightning, damaged by storms (particularly here in Florida,) or a host of other issues that can go wrong with the operation of a gate.
How We’re Different
At Quality Gates, what separates us (among other things) is that we offer a fully-operational service team to respond within 24 hours (weather-permitting) of your service complaint. We pride ourselves on our quick response time and overt professionalism of our technicians and staff. We offer a default service warranty up to one year from installation at no charge, and after that if you’d like to subscribe to our Quarterly Service Agreement, you also have that option. Based on the myriad problems that gates are susceptible to, we certainly recommend it.
About our Quarterly Service Agreement:
If you choose to subscribe to our QSA, you’ll receive a full servicing of your gate four times per year. This means all operational parts will be inspected, the functionality of your gate will be tested, and we’ll also ensure that your gate has remained compliant with ASTM-F2200 and UL-325 standards (up to code.) In addition to testing all operational components of your gate, we will also clean your operators and apply pesticide, check and tighten bolts and anchors, lubricate moving parts, and more. It is well worth the investment!
For more information on our QSA please call our office. If you’d like to request a quote, please visit our website.
In the market for a brand new gate? Visit our website to request a quote today! If you’re already one of our amazing customers, please consider leaving an online review!